the world needs jesus; come to him now!

earth, globe, sunset

Jesus is the light of the world! DO YOU KNOW HIM?

Are you one of God’s many children who finds things too busy to pray?

Are you looking for love, friendship and acceptance?

Do you feel rejected, belittled, out of your depth, although you are among friends?


Do you push Jesus away until a more convenient time? Is he an inconvenience right now, as he doesn’t fit in with your crowd and your schedule?

Some day, my friend, there will be no tomorrow. There will be no work, no time consuming activities. You will only be a shadow of the inner you. Are you ready for that day?

Turn your eyes upon Jesus. Look full in his wonderful face. Surrender your will and your way to him. God has need of you. Come to him today.

Call to Action

Jesus loves you.  You can surrender your heart and life to him by asking him to forgive you of your sins, and to come into your life today. Ask him right now. He will be more than happy to come in and show you the way to the Father and heaven.  

Say this short prayer.

Father I come to you in need of forgiveness and grace. Please forgive me of all my sins. Cleanse me from all unrighteousness . I have made my decision to follow you. I need Jesus in my heart. Come in to my heart and life and make me a new person I pray in Jesus name.  Amen.